Mickler & Associates, Inc.

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5 Essential Technology Tools Every Small Business in Portland, Oregon Needs

Running a small business in Portland comes with its challenges — keeping your tech stack streamlined shouldn’t be one of them.

Here are the five must-have technology tools for every Portland-based small business:

  1. Cloud Solutions
    Portland’s eco-conscious businesses love cloud solutions for their flexibility and sustainability. With cloud storage and software, you reduce hardware waste and gain access to your files anytime, anywhere. It’s a green choice that also boosts your team’s productivity.

  2. Cybersecurity Software
    Portland is a thriving city, but with growth comes cyber risks. Protect your data with robust cybersecurity tools, including firewalls, encryption, and multi-factor authentication. Secure your operations before cyber threats become a problem.

  3. VOIP Phone System
    A Voice over IP (VOIP) phone system is perfect for businesses with remote employees or teams that need flexibility. In Portland’s ever-connected tech scene, having a reliable VOIP system ensures smooth communication.

  4. Backup and Recovery Tools
    Oregon’s natural beauty is undeniable, but unpredictable weather or power outages could put your data at risk. Invest in reliable backup and recovery tools to ensure your business can weather any storm—literally.

  5. Project Management Software
    Keep your team organized with project management tools like Asana or Trello. In a bustling Portland business environment, this tech will help you stay on top of tasks, collaborate, and meet deadlines.

Your tech should work for you—these five tools are a solid foundation to help your Portland-based small business thrive.

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