Helping Small Businesses Since 2004.

Mickler & Associates, Inc. helps small businesses and home offices everywhere plan for, adopt, and deploy cloud-based IT solutions. Our mission is to make technology an always-on utility that works anywhere, minimizes risk, and allows companies to thrive.

Google Workspace Administrator certification badge, featuring the Google logo in the center, with text "Google Workspace Administrator" and "Google Certified Professional" around the perimeter.
Hiscox company logo with fleur-de-lis icon

Professional IT Services.
Licensed. Insured.

Principal Consultant

Russell Mickler wearing glasses, a suit, and a tie, smiling slightly and looking at the camera.

Russell Mickler
Principal Consultant

Russell Mickler has led IT organizations in C-suite positions since 1996 and has assisted hundreds of small businesses in using technology better as an independent consultant since 2004. In the 1990s, he obtained certifications for Microsoft NT and Novell Netware platforms. He completed his Master’s Degree in Technology in 2000 and obtained his CISSP (Computer Information Systems Security Professional) certification in 2004. Further expanding his expertise, he achieved his Google Apps Certified Deployment Specialist certification in 2015 and his Google Cloud Certified Collaboration Engineer certification in 2019. Besides his professional accomplishments, Mickler is a published technical author and lecturer at various universities nationwide.

silhouette of a person sitting in a meditative pose