Why Small Businesses Should Consider Chromebooks or Linux Machines Over Windows

When it comes to cybersecurity, small businesses often find themselves in the crosshairs of hackers. One common target? Microsoft Windows. While Windows remains the most widely used operating system, it’s also one of the most vulnerable to cyberattacks. Here’s why your small business might want to consider switching to Chromebooks or Linux machines.

The Problem with Windows

Windows dominates the market with over 75% of desktop operating systems in use. Unfortunately, its popularity makes it a prime target for cybercriminals. According to a 2023 report by AV-TEST, a leading independent research institute for IT security, 77% of malware is designed to exploit vulnerabilities in Windows. The frequent need for patches and updates can leave systems temporarily exposed, providing an entry point for hackers.

Doesn’t it feel like Microsoft is always trying to outrun its problems with its 35-year-old (!!) operating system? Like, in May 2024 alone, there were over 60 critical vulnerabilities. Why are we relying upon something so inherently insecure? Why use a product that is constantly failing?

Why does Microsoft keep supporting a 35-year-old operating system? Because it’s a cash cow.

Do they care about you or your data? Not at all, obviously. They just want your money.

Why doesn’t Microsoft truncate development support as it does security updates, forcing OEM’s to recompile their code to new standards, like Apple does with the MacOS? Because it’s convenient to say what you wrote back in 1990 will still run on a Windows computer today.

Well, isn’t convenience the enemy of security? I mean, hey, Microsoft: isn’t that security 101?

Macs and Chromeboxes don’t have this problem. Why? Because their kernel is a smarter, more secure animal. Linux.

Chromebooks: A Safer Alternative

Chromebooks run on Chrome OS, which is built on Linux, known for its robust security features. Chromebooks are designed to be simple and secure, with automatic updates and sandboxing, which isolates each running app to prevent malware from spreading. This makes Chromebooks a great choice for small businesses looking for a hassle-free, secure computing experience. Moreover, Chromebooks are often more affordable than traditional Windows PCs, offering cost savings without sacrificing security.

Linux Machines: The Power of Open Source

Linux is an open-source operating system celebrated for its security and flexibility. Unlike Windows, Linux’s open-source nature allows for continuous peer review and rapid patching of vulnerabilities. A 2022 survey by Stack Overflow revealed that 32% of developers trust Linux for its security features. With various distributions like Ubuntu and Fedora, small businesses can tailor their Linux setup to meet their specific needs, ensuring both security and efficiency.

Making the Switch

Switching to Chromebooks or Linux machines can significantly reduce your business’s exposure to cyber threats. While no system is entirely immune to attacks, the inherent security features of these alternatives provide a more secure environment for your business operations. It’s time to rethink your approach to IT infrastructure and give Chromebooks or Linux a try.

Imagine a world where computers just work. I do. And it doesn’t involve crappy, unreliable Microsoft products at all.


Russell Mickler

Russell Mickler is a computer consultant in Vancouver, WA, who helps small businesses use technology better.


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